Thursday, 16 March 2017


So, it would seem we are in the era of the reboot. Many superheroes and film classics are being given  a bit of a nipple tweak, a new coat of paint and some shiny-shiny actors that will appeal to the modern generation.

Ok, I might not be quite as hairy as King Kong and I am definitely lacking in superhero skills.  Unless you count the ability to dislocate my thumb as a super power, but surely I'm allowed to reboot aren't I...aren't I?

 Very little and a whole lot has changed since I last wrote anything that I have actually published. That is not to say I have not been writing, but much of it is random sentences and odd monologues that pop into my head from time to time. Things that may well be elaborated on in the future, but for now they are little more that the musings of a crazy person/a shy person who is not quite ready for the whole world to see the full on crazy. Lets take things slowly ok?

Since the last time I poked my head out into the world of social media, my Better Half, the two furry beasties and myself have left the convenience of the home counties and moved to what I fondly call the county of cheese and pork. Many of you know it as Somerset. The move has had it's pros and cons... mainly involving cheese and our waistlines, but I will come back to that in more detail at a later date. Other than the little nuances that life so often entertains us with and the proverbial shit hitting the fan on occasions, not a lot has changed.

"So, why haven't you been writing?" you may ask. Well, I could tell you;

I've been busy - sort of true,
I've not been feeling well - unfortunately, very true
The cats are arseholes and won't give me five minutes to myself to think coherently - also true, but they are monsters of my own making

Or I could bitch and whine and moan about the  fact that the bloody laptop sucks and I haven't been using it because it constantly has the spinning wheel of death when I load any page and I think it may well explode/be launched at the wall as it will not stop fucking buffering!!!!!!!!!

Sadly, I used the last excuse so much so that, my Better Half took pity on me and did what he does best and fixed it. How dare he listen to me and do something nice to encourage me! Bastard.

However, like my Mum used to say to me and now I like to say to my Better Half (mainly because its crudity makes him cringe and I like to see him squirm on occasion).

 "Excuses are like arseholes, everybody has got one."

And I have many. Excuses I mean. Not arseholes...that would be weird and pretty gross.

If I am truly honest with myself and with you who read my ramblings. No excuses, no rose tinted filter that makes life seem warm and beautiful. I was scared. I am scared. Not just because people will read this, which was my initial anxiety when I first started writing, but that in order to write anything that is worth reading you have to feel something. You have to use your emotions, deep down, gut wrenching, overwhelming, all consuming feelings and I couldn't. It was all too much. So many things I don't think I have quite come to terms with yet and the exposure of metaphorical scars made me feel raw. Vulnerable. It is so much easier to stay in my little rose tinted bubble, with my Better Half and annoyingly adorable cats and all the unconditional love and bloody cheese that I could eat.

But anything worth doing isn't easy right?

So, here I go again. No new licks of paint or shiny-shiny actors.

Just me.


With a nipple tweak...or two and my ramblings.

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